German Law in English 
A select bibliography

35. Arbitration

FISCHER-ZERNIN, V.,/JUNKER, A., Between Scylla and Charybdis: fact gathering in German arbitration, 4 Journal of International Arbitration 9-34, 1987

FISCHER-ZERNIN, V.,/JUNKER, A., Arbitration and mediation: synthesis and anthesis? 5 Journal of International Arbitration 21-40, 1988

GLOSSNER, O., Commercial arbitration in the Federal Republic of Germany. Deventer 1984

KÜHN, W., Preliminary remedies in arbitration matters: Germany. 12 International Business Lawyer 111-114 (1984)

MECKLING, E., Arbitration, in: RÜSTER, B. (ed.), Business transactions in Germany. Munich, New York, loose-leaf since 1983, vol. 1 ch. 6

SAREIKA, W., Validity of arbitration agreements in Canadian and German law. Berne 1978

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