German Law in English 
A select bibliography

42. Social Law

BROOKE ROSS, R./ ZACHER, H.F., Social legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany. London 1983

HORTON, K.C./ SNAITH, I., Unemployment benefit in the U.K. and the Federal Republic of Germany. 27 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 890-897 (1978)

KLEIN, J.M., A comparative look at the unemployment insurance programs of the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States, 9 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Business Law 181-209. 1987

-- THe legal rights of questworkers: the case of West Germany, 24 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 311-38, 1985

LEIBFRIED, S., The United States and West German welfare systems: a comparative analysis. 12 Cornell International Law Journal 175-198 (1979)

MÜLLER-FEMBECK, L./ OGUS, A.l., Social welfare, and the one-parent family in Germany and Britain. 25 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 382-408 (1976)

POSKE, D., Jurisprudence of the Federal Constitutional Court concerning the equality of men and women in the pensions insurance law of the Federal Republic of Germany. 34 International Social Security Review 175-183 (1981)

SAHMER, H., The labour courts. (Bonn, Federal Ministry of Labour and the Social Structure, 1965)

SCHEWE, D./ NORDHORN, K./ SCHENKE, K., Survey of social security in the Federal Republic of Germany, translation by Frank KENNY (Bonn, Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, 1972)

SKOLER, D.L./ ZEITZER, I.R., Social security appeals systems: a nine-nation review. 35 International Social Science Review 57-77 (1982)

STONE, D.A., The limits of professional power: national health care in the Federal Republic of Germany. Chicago 1980

ZÖLLNER, D., Social legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Translated by F. KENNY. 2nd ed. Sankt Augustin 1970

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