German Law in English 
A select bibliography

63. Public international law. Relations with GDR. Berlin

ARNDT, C., Legal problems of the German Eastern Treaties. 74 American Journal of International Law 122-133 (1980)

BIRNBAUM, K.E., East and West Germany, A modus vivendi. 2nd impr. Farnborough 1973

BLUMENWITZ, D., The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and Foreign Affairs. An introduction for the American reader to the Court decision of July 31, 1973, in: HESS, F.W. (ed.), German unity. Documentation and commentaries on the Basic Treaty. Kansas City, Mo. 1974, pp. 11-22

CALLEO, D.P., The German problem reconsidered, Germany and the world order 1870 to the present. Cambridge 1978

CATUDAL, H.M., The Berlin Agreement of 1971; has it worked? 25 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 766-800 (1976)

CZAPLINSKI, W., The new Polish-German treaties and the changing political structure of Europe, 86 American Journal of International Law 163-73, 1992

DELBRUECK, J., A European Peace Order and the German Question: legal and political aspects, 11 Michigan Journal of International Law 897-911, 1990

-- Diplomatic asylum: an appropriate solution for East Germans desiring to move to the West, 1 Temple International and Comparative Law Journal 231-61, 1987

DOEKER, G./ BRÜCKNER, J.A., The Federal Republic of
Germany and the German Democratic Republic in international relations, 3 vols., [I: confrontation and co-operation, II=III: organisations] Dobbs Fery, N.Y., Aalphen an den Rijn 1979

DOEKER, G./ MELSHEIMER, K./ SCHRÖDER, D., Berlin and the quadripartite agreement of 1971. 67 American Journal of International Law 44-62 (1973)

DUNK, G.,VON DER, /KOOIJMANS, P.H., The unification of Germany and international law, 12 Michigan Journal of International Law 510-57, 1991

FONTIS IURIS GENTIUM, Deutsche Rechtsprechung in völkerrechtlichen Fragen - Decisions of German courts
relating to public international law - decisions des courts allemandes en matiere de droit international public, 8 vols. [1879-1980] Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1931 (reprint 1969) - 1982; edited by: BERNHARDT, R./ DOEHRING, K./ FROWEIN, J. Abr. (Max Planck Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg) [cases in German, but with brief analytical abstracts of the decisions in English and French in the respective parts 1 of each volume]

FROWEIN, J.A., Legal problems of the German Ostpolitik. 23 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 105-126 (1974)

GECK, W.K., Germany and contemporary international law. 9 Texas International Law Journal 263-280 (1974)

GELBERG, L., Warsaw Treaty of 1970 and the Western boundary of Poland. 76 American Journal of International Law 119-129 (1982)

GOLAY, J.F., The founding of the Federal Republic of Germany. 2nd impr. Chicago 1965

HILLENBRAND, M. J., The legal background of the Berlin situation, in: HILLENBRAND, M. J. (ed.), The future of Berlin. Montclair, N.J. 1980, pp. 41-80

HOBSON, K.A., European Community and East-West German relations. 19 Virginia Yearbook of International Law 97-143 (1974)

MERKL, P.H., The origin of the West German Republic. New York 1963

MÖLLER, D., The understanding between Bonn and Prague. 24 Aussenpolitik (English edition) 331-344 (1973)

-- On the brink of an ecological calamity: acid rain, transboundary air pollution and environmental law in West Germany, 12 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 325-58, 1985

PIOTROWICZ, R.W., The status of Germany in international law: Deutschland über Deutschland?, 38 The International and Comparative Law Quarterly 609-35, 1989

RADCLIFFE, S., Twenty-five years on, the two Germanies 1970. London 1972

RANDELZHOFER, A., German unification: constitutional and international implications, 13 Michigan Journal of International Law 122-43, 1991

RESS, G., Review of international treaties and measures of the European Community by the German Federal Constitutional Court. 8 South-African Yearbook of International Law 1-19 (1982)

ROTFELD, A.D., Legal foundations of the West Berlin status. 6 Polish Yearbook of International Law 97-143 (1974)

RUPP, H.G., International law as part of the law of the land: some aspects of the operation of Article 25 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. 11 Texas International Law Journal 541-547 (1976)

Judicial review of international agreements: Federal Republic of Germany. 25 American Journal of Comparative Law 286-302 (1977)

SCHMIDT, G., Happy moments: solving the special German-Soviet Russian conflict, 24 Cornell International Law Journal 437-55, 1991

SCHWEIGLER, G.L., National consciousness in a divided Germany, with an introduction by K.H. DEUTSCH. London 1975

SCHWENKEL, K.M., Recognition of the GDR: some legal aspects of West Germany's foreign policy and the quest for German reunification. 7 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 94-120 (1974)

SCHRÖDER, D., The legal status of the lines of communications to and from Berlin. English version by K. KERR. Berlin 1970

SKUBISZEWSKI, K., The great powers and the settlement in central Europe. 18 German Yearbook of International Law, 92-126 (1975)

SEIDL-HOHENVELDERN, I., The Austrian-German Arbitral Tribunal. Established by the Property Treaty of June 15, 1957. Syracuse (New York) 1972 (The Procedural Aspects of International Law Series, vol. 11)

-- Chilean copper nationalization cases before German courts. 69 American Journal of International Law 110-119 (1975)

SIMMA, B., Legal aspects of intra-(East-West)German relations. 4 Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs 148-174 (1984)

SIMMA, B., Leghal aspects of the East-West German relations, 9 Maryland Journal of International Law and Trade 97-115, 1985

STARCK, CHRISTIAN (ed.), Rights institutions and impact of international law according to the German Basic Law: the contribution of the Federal Republic of Germany to the 2nd World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Baden-Baden 1987

STEINBERGER, H., Germany reunified: international and constitutional problems, 1992 Brigham Young University Law Review 23-29

SONNENFELD, R. Succession and continuation, a study on treaty practice in postwar Germany. 7 Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 9l - 130 (1976)

-- Taking Reichs seriously: German unification and the law of state succession, 104 Harvard Law Review 588-606, 1990

-- The Salzgitter archives: West Germany's answer to East Germany's human rights violations, 15 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 147-62, 1986

TILFORD, R.B. (ed.), The Ostpolitik and political change in Germany. Farnborough 1975

TOMUSCHAT, Ch., Parliamentary control over foreign policy in the Federal Republic of Germany, in: CASSESE, A. (ed.), Parliamentary control over foreign policy. Aalphen an den Rijn 1980, pp. 25-51

-- Parliamentary foreign affairs committees in the Federal Republic of Germany, in: CASSESE, A. (ed.), Parliamentary foreign affairs committees - The national setting. Padova 1982, pp. 95-117


    - Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany
      and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
      12 August 1970. 9 International Legal Materials

    - Treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany
      and the People's Republic of Poland, 7 Decem-
      ber 1970, concerning the basis for normalizing
      their mutual relations, and related statements.
      10 International Legal Materials 127-129 (1971)

    - Treaty between the Federal Republic and the Czech
      oslovak Socialist Republic, 11 December 1973. In-
      ternational Legal Materials 19-20 (1974)

    - Treaty on the basis of relations between the
      Federal Republic of Germany and the German
      Democratic Republic, 21 December 1972. 12 Inter-
      national Legal Materials 16-24 (1973)

    - Quadripartite Agreement [France - U.S.S.R.
      - United Kingdom - U.S.A.], 3 September 1971.,
      10 International Legal Materials 895-903 (1971);
      with Final Protocol. 11 International Legal
      Materials 734 (1972)

VATANYI, B., Some reflections on article 25 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. 24 Netherlands International Law Review 578-588 (1977)

WELTON, M.D., The NATO stationing agreements in the Federal Republic of Germany: old law and new politics, 122 Military Law Review 77-116, 1988

WENGLER, W.A., A legal opinion concerning the admissability under international law, of applying the proposed German co-determination law to American investments in the Federal Republic of Germany. Frankfurt/Main 1974

ZILLINGER MOLENAAR, J.H.H., Deutsch-German treaty regime for border lands. 24 Netherlands International Law Review 352-367 (1977)

ZIVIER, E.R., Legal status of the land Berlin; a survey after the quadripartite agreement. Berlin 1980

ZULEEG, M., West Germany's eastern policy; legal claims and political realities. 3 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 124-243 (1973)

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