German Law in English 
A select bibliography

13. Family law

-- A comparison of East and West German Standards for intervention in child abuse and negelct cases: some puzzling ironies, 24 Texas International Law Journal 107-20, 1989

ALTUG, Y., Comparative study of guardianship, parental authority, legitimation, adoption, illegitimate children in German and Polish laws. 21 Annales de 1a Faculé de Droit d'Istanbus 217-234(1971)

BOHNDORF, M., Recent developments in German divorce law. 19 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 705-710 (1970)

-- The new illegitimacy law in Germany. 19 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 299-308 (1970)

FRANK, R., Federal Republic of Germany: accomodating to social change after the major reforms. 25 Journal of Family Law 103-112 (1986-1987)

FRANK, R., Federal Republic of Germany: changes and continuity in Family Law, 28 Journal of Family Law 508-17, 1989/90

FRANK, R., Federal Republic of Germany: new problems, new solutions, 29 Journal of Family Law 371-78, 1990/91

FRANK, R., Federal Republic of Germany: new thinking on maintenance obligations, artificial insemination and conflict of laws, 26 Journal of Family Law 101-11, 1987/88

FRANK, R., Federal Republic of Germany: reflections on joint custody, family obligations, and the entry of an alien's dependents, 27 Journal of Family Law 153-58, 1988/89

FRANK, R., Germany: family law after reunification, 30 Journal of Family Law 335-47, 1991/92

-- The status of cohabitation in the legal systems of West Germany and other West European Countries. 33 American Journal of Comparative Law 185-207 (1985)

GIESDEN, D., Divorce reform in Germany. 7 Family Law Quarterly 351-379 (1973)

-- Foster families in the Federal Republic of Germany, in: DROBNIG, U./ PUTTFARKEN, N.J. (eds.), Deutsche Landesreferate zum Privatrecht und Handelsrecht. Heidelberg 1982

GLENDON, M.A./ RHEINSTEIN, M., West German marriage and family law reform. 45 University of Chicago Law Review 519-552 (1977-1978)

GRAUE, E.D., Express renunciation and implied preservation of German legal unity in the fields of family law and succession, in: CAEMMERER, E. von, et al. (eds.), Festschrift für P.J. Zepos anläßlich seines 65. Geburtstages am 1. Dezember 1973, vol. II. Athen-Freiburg im Breisgau-Cologne 1973, 209-262

HOLZER, P., A practical guide to German divorce law, 112 Military Law Review 121-30, 1986

HORTON, K.C., Constitutional validity of the West German divorce reform law. 30 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 462-466 (1981)

KIRALFY, A.K.R. (ed.), Comparative law of matrimonial property. A symposium of the International Faculty of Comparative Law in Luxembourg on the laws of Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Leyden 1972

KRAUSE, H. D., Illegitimacy: law and social policy. Indianapolis 1971

LAUTZ, P., Family law, estates, in: RÜSTER, B. (ed.), Business transactions in Germany. Munich, New York, loose-leaf since 1983, vol. 2 ch. 16

MARCOVITS, J., Marriage and the state: a comparative look at East and West German family law. 24 Stanford Law Review 116-199 (1971)

MÜLLER-FREIENFELS, W., Marriage law reform of 1976 in the Federal Republic of Germany. 28 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 184-210(1979)

THIELE, L.K., The German marital property systems: conflict of laws in dual nationality marriage. 12 California Western and International Law Review 78-127 (1982)

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