German Law in English 
A select bibliography

38. Protection of employees

CLARK, G. de N., Remedies for unfair dismissal: a European comparison. 20 International Comparative Law Quarterly 397-432 (1971)

DÖSE-DIGENOPOULOS, A./ HÖLLAND, A., Dismissal of employees in the Federal Republic of Germany. 48 Modern Law Review 539-563 (1985)

EMPLOYMENT PROTECTION ACT [Kündigungsschutzgesetz], in: RÜSTER, Bernd (ed.), Business transactions in Germany. Munich, New York, loose-leaf since 1983, vol. 2 appendix 29A, pp. 2-16

-- Employment termination reform: what should a statute require before termination? - Lessons from the French, British, and German experiences, 14 Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 619-68, 1991

EQUIPMENT SAFETY LAW [Gesetz über technische Arbeitsmittel - Gerätesicherheitsgesetz]. English translation of the German law of technical equipment.

Full text and detailed explanatory notes. Issue 4: April 1978. Hemel Hempstead (GB) 1978

HARVEY, R.A., Equal treatment of men and women in the work place: the implementation of the European Community's equal treatment legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany, 38 The American Journal of Comparative Law 31-71, 1990

LAW AND PRACTICE..., Law and practice concerning occupational bealth in the member states of the European Communities, Vol. 2: Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, London 1985

PALMER, E., Coal mining health standards in the Federal Republic of Germany. Washington, D.C. (Library of Congress, Law Library) 1978

RASNIC, C.D., Germany's legal protection for women workers vis-á-vis illegal employment discrimination in the United States: a comparative perspective in light of Johnson Controls (UAW v. Johnson Controls Inc., 111 S. Ct. 1196), 13 Michigan Journal of International Law 415-46, 1992

SHAW, J., Recent developments in the field of labour market equality; sex discrimination law in the Federal Republic of Germany, 13 Comparative Labour Law Journal 18-44, 1991

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