German Law in English 
A select bibliography

44. Criminal procedure

AMELUNXEN, C., Indemnification of the victim of a criminal act, here in particular: redress of a wrong under criminal procedure. 44 Revue Internationale de Droit Péenal 19-28 (1973)

BLANKENBURG, E./ TREIBER, H., The establishment of the public prosecutor's office in Germany. 13 International Journal of the Sociology of Law 375-391 (1985)

CARR, J.G., Wiretapping in West Germany. 29 American Journal of Comparative Law 607-645 (1981)

CASPER, G./ ZEISEL, H., Lay judges in the German criminal courts. 1 The Journal of Legal Studies 146-191 (1972)

DAMASKA, M., Reality of prosecutorial discretion: comments on a German monograph. 29 American Journal of Comparative Law 119-138 (1981)

HERRMANN, J., Development and reform of criminal procedure in the Federal Republic of Germany. 11 Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 183-197 (1978)

-- The role of compulsory prosecution and the scope of prosecutional discretion in Germany. 41 University of Chicago Law Review 468-505 (1974)

JESCHECK, H.H., The discretionary powers of the prosecuting attorney in West Germany. 18 American Journal of Comparative Law 508-517 (1970)

-- Comparative law as a basis for the reform of criminal procedure. 9 The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 199-210 (1976)

KAISER, G., Development of methods and measures of the penal law. 45 Revue Internationale de Droit Penal 33-56 (1974)

KRUEGER-SPRENGEL, F., The German military legal system. 57 Military Law Review 17-26 (1972)

LANGBEIN, J.H., Controlling prosecutional discretion. 41 University of Chicago Law Review 439-467 (1974)

LANGBEIN, J.H., Comparative criminal procedure: Germany. St. Paul, Minn. 1977

LAW ON INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE IN CRIMINAL MATTERS [Gesetz uber die internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen - IRG]. 24 International Legal Materials 945-982 (1985)

OVERLAND, M.E./ NEWHOUSE, J., Juvenile criminal law in the Federal Republic of Germany and in England. 4 California Western Law Review 35-64 (1968)

ROSE, K., Baader-Meinhof trials: recent amendments to criminal procedure in the Federal Republic. 15 The Review of the International Commission of Jurists 46-50 (1975)

SCHÄTZLER, J.-G., Compensation for victims of criminal acts. 44 Revue Internationale de Droit Penal 29-40 (1973)

The new German MILITARY CRIMINAL CODE of 1957 [Wehrstrafgesetz]. Translated and annotated by Edmund C. JANN. Washington, D.C. 1968 (mimeographed)

The German CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, with an introduction by Eberhard SCHMIDT (American Series of Foreign Penal Codes No. 10). South Hackensack, N.J., London 1965

VOGLER, RICHARD, Germany: a guide to the German criminal justice sytem, Prisoners Abroad Handbook Series no. 3, London 1989

WEIGEND, T., Using the results of audio-surveillance as penal evidence in the Federal Republic of Germany, 24 Stanford Journal of International Law 21-53, 1987

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