German Law in English 
A select bibliography

46. Criminology

ARZT, G., Responses to the growth of crime in the United States and West Germany: a comparison of changes in criminal law and societal attitudes. 12 Cornell International Law Journal 43-64 (1979)

COUNCIL OF EUROPE, Female crminality in the Federal Republic of Germany, in Italy and in England and Wales: conclusions. Strasbourg 1980

DALY, F., Intoxication and crime: a comparative approach. 27 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 378-412 (1978)

EINSELE, H., Female criminality in the Federal Republic of Germany: development and present situation (including some comments on Switzerland and Austria). Strasbourg 1980

GOSSEL, K.H., Crimes of recklessness, prevention and treatment of offenders. 50 Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal 11 - 19 (1979)

HERRMANN, J., Drug abuse and its prevention in West Germany. 44 Revue Internationale de Droit Penal 235-256 (1973)

HOSKINS, R.J., A comparative analysis of the crime of conspiracy in Germany, France and the United States. 6 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 245-270 (1973)

JESCHECK, H.-H., Modern criminal policy in the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, in: Crime, criminology and public policy. Essays in honour of Sir Leon Radzinowicz. London 1974, 509-525

KAISER, G., Role and reactions of the victim and the policy of diversion in criminal justice administration, in: Criminology between the rule of law and the outlaws. Volume in honour of Willem H. Nagel. Deventer 1976, 159-172

KAISER, G./ WÜRTENBERGER, Th., Criminological research trends in Western Germany. German reports to the 6th International Congress on Criminology in Madrid 1970. Berlin, New York 1972

KNIGHT, B., A comparative survey of the medico-legal aspects of death in Europe. 2 Medicine and Law 137-156 (1983)

KREUZER, A., Drug abuse and its prevention in West Germany. 44 Revue Internationale de Droit Penal 195-233 (1973)

SCHROEDER, F.-C., Negligence delicts, prevention and treatment of offenders. 50 Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal 20-35 (1979)

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