German Law in English 
A select bibliography

58. Police. Public order

The BUNDESKRIMINALAMT (BKA). 284 International Criminal Police Review 26-29 (Jan. 1975)

GRIEVES, F.L., Der Bundesgrenzschutz. The West German federal border police. Tucson, Ariz. 1972

LINNAN, D.K., Police discretion in a continental European state: the police of Baden-Württemberg in the Federal Republic of Germany. 47 Law and Contemporary Problems 185-223 (1984)

RADVANYI, M.K., Anti-terrorist legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Washington D.C. (Library of Congress, Law Library) 1979

REIMANN, M., Purient interest and human dignity: pornography regulation in West Germany and the United States, 21 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 201-53, 1987/8

STEINHILPER, G., Crime prevention in Federal Germany. 325 International Criminal Police Review 34-37 (Febr. 1979)

The BUNDESKRIMINALAMT (BKA). 284 International Criminal Police Review 26-29 (Jan. 1975)

GRIEVES, F.L., Der Bundesgrenzschutz. The West German federal border police. Tucson, Ariz. 1972

LINNAN, D.K., Police discretion in a continental European state: the police of Baden-Württemberg in the Federal Republic of Germany. 47 Law and Contemporary Problems 185-223 (1984)

RADVANYI, M.K., Anti-terrorist legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Washington D.C. (Library of Congress, Law Library) 1979

REIMANN, M., Purient interest and human dignity: pornography regulation in West Germany and the United States, 21 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 201-53, 1987/8

STEINHILPER, G., Crime prevention in Federal Germany. 325 International Criminal Police Review 34-37 (Febr. 1979)

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