University of Oxford
Institute of European and Comparative Law

(formerly: Centre for the Advanced Study of European and Comparative Law)

Founders, Financial Supporters and Friends of the Institute

The Founders of the Institute

The Institutee's aims, described in this (and last year's Reports) include the furthering of understanding between jurists of the European Continent and the eventual promotion of a more integrated European legal education. The Institute is apolitical; but its wider cultural aims have been appreciated and supported by a number of senior European politicians and judges, some of whom have played a very active part in helping us get off the ground. We are thus delighted to thank (in chronological order) Dr. Klaus Kinkel, Federal Foreign Minister of Germany, who kindly inaugurated the Centre in 1996; Madame Noelle Lenoir, Membre du Conseil Constitutionnel, France; Mr. François Fillon, Former Minister of Education of France; Mr Jacques Toubon, former Garde des Sceaux and Minister of Justice of France; Mr. François Bayrou, Minister of Education of France; Mr. Joe Ritzen, Minister of Higher Education of the Netherlands and Mr Luigi Berlinguer, Minister of Education and Research of Italy.

In this category of founders we also include those who, through generous donations, made the creation of our two key chairs possible thus launching the Institute on its successful path, namely the partners of Clifford Chance (for the establishment of the Clifford Chance Chair in European Law) and the European Parliament for agreeing to take on the major part of the expenditure for the creation of the Jacques Delors Chair in European Community Law. In this last context, the invaluable and untiring efforts of Sir John Kerr KCMG, at that time our Ambassador to Brussels, Mr James Ellis, Member of the European Parliament, Mr. David Williamson, Secretary General of the Commission, and Professor Roy Goode are also gratefully acknowledged. As already stated, all of us at the Institute regard Dr. Eric Schumann and his mother Frau Anneliese Brost as major benefactors of our institution as well as friends and were thus delighted with our University's decision to elect both to the Chancellor's Court of Benefactors. Their most recent gifts to assist our library efforts mark them out as loyal friends of this University but, more importantly, as pioneers in the Herculean effort we are making to establish German law as part of the Oxford legal curriculum.

The Financial Supporters of the Institute

The Institute also gratefully acknowledges financial support received from the following Governments, organisations, institutions, and individuals, all listed here in alphabetical order.

Anderson Foundation (Houston, Texas).

Ian Arstall Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

Ms Pauline Ashall, Linklaters & Paines, London.

Banca di Roma.

Banca Monte dei Paschi, Siena.

Casa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia.

Christopher Bright, Linklaters & Paines, London.

Brost, Frau Anneliese.

Clifford Chance, London.

Ferrier Charlton Esq., (now retired), Linklaters & Paines, London.

Christopher Coombe Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

Commerzbank A.G.

Deminex (UK) Ltd.

Deutsche Academische Austauschdienst, Bonn and London.

Martin Elliott Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

The European Parliament.

The French Government.

The French Embassy in London.

The Gildesgame Trust.

Ms Diana Good, Linklaters & Paines, London.

Sir Ronald Grierson.

Tony Grundy Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

Michael Hardwick Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

The Italian Government.

Raymond Jeffers Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

The Leiden Institute of Anglo-American Law, The Netherlands.

The Leverhulme Trust.

Guy Lewin Smith Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

Linklaters & Paines, London.

Ms Alexandra Marks, Linklaters & Paines, London.

Ms Jane Murphy, Linklaters & Paines, London.

Martin Paisner Esq..

Harold Paisner Esq..

Nick Rees Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

James Rice Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

Dr. Erich Schumann, Rechtsanwalt, Geschäftsführer, Der Zeitunsgruppe Waz, Essen.

Sigle Loose Schmidt-Diemitz, Attourneys Stuttgart, Germany (Hasche Sigle Eschenlohr Peltzer from 1st July 1999)

Von Caemmerer Stiftung

Nick Tarling Esq., Partner Freshfields, Solicitors.

Stephen Turnbull Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

The VSB Bank, Netherlands.

Vivendi Plc.

Wertpapapier-Mitteilungen" (the publishers, for kindly donating the journal).

Tom Wethered, Linklaters & Paines, London.

Philip Woode Esq. Partner, Allan and Overy, London.

Dr and Mrs Hans Günter Zempelin

The Friends of the Institute

The Institute is also grateful for the support it has received from the following individuals who, in different but equally valuable ways, have promoted its interests and assisted its fund-raising efforts.

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Guido Alpa (Rome).
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Guido Alpa (Rome).

Dr. Leonhard Aulinger, Rechtsanwalt, Bochum, Germany.

Professor Dr. Christian von Bar (Osnabrück).

Dr. Brita Baron, former Director of the London Office of DAAD.

Dr. Christian Boode (General Secretary, DAAD, Bonn).

Trevor Brown, Esq., Senior Partner, Paris Office of Clifford Chance.

Chris Bright Esq., BCL, Partner, Clifford Chance.

Mr. Frank Burbach, Cultural Counsellor, German Embassy, London.

Dr. Peter von Butler, Minister Plenipotentiary, German Embassy, London.

Michael Butcher Esq., Secretary of the Franco-British Lawyers Association.

Jeremy Carver, CBE, Partner, Clifford Chance.

Keith Clark Esq, BCL, Senior Partner, Clifford Chance.

Professor Dr. Diego Corapi, (Rome).

Professor Dr. Fausto Cuocolo, President of Fondazione Carige, Genova.

Mr. Jacques Dauvin, Attaché Culturel, French Embassy, London.

Simon Davies Esq., Partner, Clifford Chance.

Dr. Rainer Dobbelstein, Legal Affairs Counsellor, German Embassy, London.

Mr. Jost van de Does de Willebois, Managing Partner, Amsterdam office of Clifford Chance.

James Ellis Esq, MEP.

Professor Dr. Antonio Eitel, former Chief Legal Advisor, German Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Professor Dr. Manfred Erhardt.

Madame Myriam Ezratty-Bader, Ancien Premier Président de la Cour d’ Appel de Paris.

Professor Etienne Fatôme, Former Special Advisor to the French Ministry of Higher Education; Oridnarius Professor at the University of Panthéon-Sorbonne

Professor Francesco Francioni, Vice Rector of the University of Siena.

Dr. Christiane Gabriel, Director of the London office of DAAD.

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Walter Gorenflos, former Inspector General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany.

Mrs Sheridan Gould, Director of the Fund-Raising office of Lady Margaret Hall.

Mr Wilfried H. Graf, Commerzbank A.G., London.

Professor Dr. Andreas Heldrich, Rector of the University of Munich.

Mr. Patrick Hubert, Chef de Cabinet, Garde des Sceaux, France

Professor Sam Issacharoff (Austin, Texas).

Mr Charles Alan Jones, Senior Partner, Linklaters & Paines, London.

Herr Martin Kohlhausen, Sprecher des Vorstandes Commerzbank A.G., Franfurt am Main.

John Ledlie Esq., Linklaters & Paines, London.

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Lorenz (Munich).

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Marcus Lutter, Member of the Chancellor's Court of Benefactors, Oxford, (Bonn).

Mrs Marina Milmo.

H.E. Count Gebhardt von Moltke, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany at the Court of St. James.

Mr. Nello Pasquini, Radcliffe's, Solicitors, London.

Chris Perrin Esq., Partner, Clifford Chance.

M. Albert Prevos, Director of the Ministry of High Education, France (Section: French Culture).

M. Olivier Poivre d' Arvor, Cultural Counsellor, French Embassy, London.

Dr. Hermann Schimansky, Vorsitzender Richter am Bundesgerichtshof.

Dr. Albrecht Schneider, Director, Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, Essen.

Dean Michael Sharlot, School of Law, University of Texas at Austin.

Dr. Bernhard Scheifele (Munich Re., Munich).

Mrs Irene Snook.

Dr. Spiegel, Cultural Affairs Directorate, German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Ernst Stiefel, New York.

Nick Tarling Esq., formerly Partner of Freshfields.

Richard Thomas, Partner, Clifford Chance (London Office)

Dr. Wolfgang Trautwein, former Counsellor, Legal and Consular Affairs, German Embassy, London.

Professor Dr Piero Tosi, Rector of the University of Siena.

M. Jean Claude Vatin, Director, Maison Française, Oxford.

Lord Williamson, GCMG, former Secretary General of the European Commission, Brussels.

Philip Woode Esq, Partner, Allan and Overy, London.

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