German Law in English 
A select bibliography

1. Law in general

ANDERSEN, E., The renaissance of legal science after the Middle Ages. The German historical school no bird phoenix. 16 essays. Copenhagen 1974

BAUR, F., Introduction to German law, in: GERMAN ASSOCIATION OF COMPARATIVE LAW (ed.), Bibliography of German law. Karlsruhe 1964, pp. 3-163

COHN, E.J.(ed.), Manual of German Law, 2nd ed., vol. 1 General introduction, civil law (by E.J. COHN) London 1968; vol. 2 Commercial law (by O.C. GILES), civil procedure, conflict of laws (By E.J. COHN), bankruptcy, law of nationality (by M. BOHNDORF), East German family law (by T. THOMAS) London 1971

LAW AND STATE, A biannual collection of recent German contributions to these fields in English (translation). Vol. 1 et seq. Tübingen 1970 et seq.

DROSTE KILLIUS TRIEBEL, Business law guide to Germany, 3rd ed. Bicester (Oxon) 1991

FORRESTER, I. S./ ILGEN, H.-M., The German legal system. South Hackensack, N.J. 1972

FOSTER, NIGEL, Geman Law & Legal Systems, Deutsches Recht und Deutsches Rechtssystem, Blackstone Press Limited, London 1993

GOLDBERG, J.E., Library of congress classification system for German Law: a new approach, 74 Law Library Journal 619-31, 1981

MEDICUS, DIETER, Germany, National Report, International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Vol. I

RHEINSTEIN, M., The approach to German law. 34 Indiana Law Journal 546-558 (1959)

RÜSTER, B. (ed.), Business transactions in Germany. In 4 vols. Munich, New York, loose-leaf since 1983

ZWOCH, G. & OTHERS, Parliamentary research services of the German Bundestag. 4 International Journal of Law Libraries 37-64 (1976)


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