German Law in English 
A select bibliography

47. Public law in general. General theory of the state

DAGATOGLU, P.D., Seventh survey of German literature on public law and European Community law (1978-1979), 1981 Public Law 170-83, 1991

JOHNSON, N., Law as the articulation of the state in Western Germany: a German tradition seen from a British perspective. 1 West European Politics 177-192 (1978)

LEIBHOLZ, G., Constitutional law and constitutional reality. 1 Law and State 7-10 (1970)

-- Politics and Law, Leyden 1965 [pp. 255-331; collection of several aricles previously published elsewhere]

MAYNTZ, R., Intergovernmental relations and local autonomy in Germany. 32 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico 608-624 (1982)

QUAAS, M., Constitutional, administrative and public business law, in: RÜSTER, B. (ed.), Business transactions in Germany. Munich, New York, loose-leaf since 1983, vol. 1 ch. 7

RESS, G., Government and industry in the Federal Republic of Germany. 29 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 87-111 (1980)

SCHWEITZER, C.-Ch./ KARSTEN, D./ SPENCER, R./ COLE, R.T./ KOMMERS, NICHOLLS, A. (eds.), Politics and government in the Federal Republic of Germany: Basic documents. Leamington Spa 1984

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